freeoilspoil - website


this is the first time in 10 months I've touched the site since I've created it. Is this a generative AI attempting to humor a nonexistant audiance? no, as far as I am aware. Frankly, I forgot this site even existed until I was thinking of another site I had created a long time ago. That one is no longer being updated. Hasn't been updated in 3 years, in fact. This website, freeoilspill, exists as just kind of whatever. I think it would be an interesting project to do, even if the summer is already half way over. As of writing this, it is 12:47am EST. And by the time I'm done writing, it will be a little bit later. School is expected to start in September at some point, the annivesary of this site's establishment. But I digress. Expect some shit be added here a little later one, I promise this one. (Who am I kidding, I'll let this site site for another 10 months.)